Once you discover Your Edge, it’s almost like you have no competition. Everything gets easier, almost overnight.
— Thaddeus Rex
What a great speaker and wonderful research
— Bonnie Maitlen, Senior VP, Lee Hecht Harrison

Thaddeus's BIO:

Few presenters have been compared to both Dale Carnegie and David Bowie. Fewer still have the honor of being called “part Monty Python, part Dr. Seuss” by the Washington Post.

A PBS veteran, international keynoter, and award winning writer, Thaddeus Rex is an expert in Competitive Edge and founder of iTeam, a CEO Network of Think Tanks. He’s worked with Butterball, Australian Gold, John Deere, Chicago Bears, Rotary International, Morton Buildings, and many many more...


A former Big Brother of America, active Rotarian, entrepreneur, speaker, three-time father, and lucky husband, Thaddeus loves finding time to give back. He finds real life more exciting than any video game, prefers reading over Youtube, and believes your ability to identify and apply your Strategic Edge is key to helping the world realize all you have to offer...